Malmporten in Luleå
Iron ore from the mines in northern Sweden and Finland is delivered to customers all over the world. Malmporten is the largest dredging project in Sweden of modern times, aiming for the port of Luleå to be able to accept vessels that can carry up to 160,000 tonnes, compared to the current maximum of 50,000 tonnes (during ice-free period).

The Iron Ore Line to Narvik is currently heavily strained, and considering the industry’s competitive conditions, since ability for larger vessels is crucial for Luleå. Iron ore is a low value commodity which demand ships with high cargo capacity to keep transport costs as well as fuel consumption and emissions low. Higher cargo capacity is also important for inbound shipments of coal to the steelwork.
Due to lower fuel consumption and emissions per transported tonne of goods, larger vessels are beneficial for the environment. The measures planned also entail increased maritime safety and prevent ships from waiting to enter the port due to present traffic restrictions. The sea routes to Luleå are being upgraded to adhere to the Swedish Transport Agency’s recommendations and international guidelines for fairway marking and safety margins.
Considering that there is ice in the Gulf of Bothnia for five to six months of the year, the transport route close to the Swedish coast is also being improved. In order to reduce the travel time and the need for ice-breaking assistance, this route in connection with the Sandgrönn fairway is the best option during wintertime.
The majority of the dredging is taking place in the fairways to Luleå, but a small intervention is also required in Norra Kvarken. The present depth in Norra Kvarken limits the size of vessels that can access ports in northern Sweden and Finland within Gulf of Bothnia. Malmporten involves enabling Port of Luleå, when free of ice, to accept the largest vessels that are able to enter the Baltic Sea, and which have a draught of 15.0 m. The project also involves increasing the cargo handling capacity of the Port of Luleå.
Name of project: Malmporten.
Where: Luleå.
Planned implementation period: April 2024–December 2026.
State of maturity: Environmental permit and financing are ready.
Preliminary dredging volume: Total of approximately 22 million m3 in situ.
Planned depth: Between 16.85 m and 12.85 m, RH2000. In other words, water level relative to the zero level in the Swedish national altitude system RH2000. For the foundation of docks, a trench depth of around 19–20 m may be applicable.
Approximate distribution of rock/dredgable material: Rock, approximately 1 million m3 in situ, sand and moraine, approximately 20 million m3 in situ, contaminated material, approximately 0.6 million m3 in situ.
Known contaminated material?/Management of contaminated material?: Partly to controlled dumping and partly to disposal site due to degree of contamination. Both fractions to be covered and enclosed with clean dredging masses. A land disposal site will be created by excavating within the boundary of the dock.
Potential distance to disposal site or landfill site: Clean and moderatly contaminated dredging spoil: About five nautical miles. Contaminated dredging spoil: Transport to disposal sites varies between two and ten nautical miles. Three disposal sites are available.
Special conditions: Partnership with the Port of Luleå. Luleå Hamn AB’s construction works are being implemented in parallel with the dredging activities as well as normal port operations. Control of the dredging areas in order to maintain vessel traffic to Sandskärskajen and other berths west of this quay. Some of the dredging spoil in the form of blasted rock and sand will be used to create new port areas.
Estimated production time: About seven months per year for a period of three to four years.
Type of contract: Not decided.
Procurement process, tender period, pre-qualification: FFU, written tender specifications, are being planned and announced in Q4, October–December, 2022.
Malm is the Swedish word for ore.

Last updated 2022-03-24