Changed pilot regulations on the 1st of December
News 2023-12-01

On December 1st a change in pilotage requirements will be introduced as part of the Swedish Transport Agency's regulation revision. To better ensure safe navigation in Swedish waters, a guide will be released to clarify when pilot attendance is required.
While the previous system was more strictly based on ship dimensions and load, the ambition of the new regulation is to allow for a more flexible assessment of ship's load and bunker combined with the risk level of the fairway to determine the need for a pilot. As shipping has progressed, with both ships and waterways becoming increasingly safe, the Swedish Transport Agency has in recent years intensified its efforts on modernising pilotage rules. And now the new "risk-based" system is in place.
Effects of the change
– The effect the change in regulation will have on the need for a pilot will vary, depending, among other things upon the amount of bunker and the ship’s experience of the fairway route. There will be increased pressure on pilot orders in one area and reduced pressure on another. We will be able to handle the change in demand without a drop in service. The challenge for us will be to observe changes in traffic patterns and subsequently adjust our staffing, says Lars Axvi, process manager for pilotage at the Swedish Maritime Administration.
Changed routine for lot ordering
As a result of the new rules for pilotage, the Swedish Maritime Administration has also changed the routines for pilot ordering, in order to better meet the needs of customers. In connection with ship notification (no later than 24 hours before arrival), a preliminary pilot order will now be the default option in the MSW (Maritime Single Window) for ships subject to pilotage. In cases where the ship's master has a pilot dispensation, the customer will be able to cancel the preliminary pilot order.
– We do this to better meet the customer's needs. The changes in the ordering of pilots have been referred for consideration and have received a positive response by the industry. The new routine enables us to better meet the customers' desired times for pilotage through earlier notification, while at the same time reducing the administration, says Andreas Arvidsson, Business Area Manager pilotage at the Swedish Maritime Administration.