Certifying a vessel in CSI
The fees for calls are environmentally differentiated into different classes. These classes depend on the verified scoring accordance to the Clean Shipping Index (CSI) for each vessel. After the vessels have received a CSI Class, you can choose to certify the vessel in order to access reduced fairway dues.
The process for registering & certifying a vessel in CSI
1) Shipping company request login to Clean Shipping Index through contacting cleanshippingindex@ivl.se.
2) CSI creates user account and send login details to the shipping company.
3) The shipping company downloads Methodology and Verification guidelines from www.cleanshippindindex.com, familiarize with the publication, login to CSI and adds vessel(s) through answering the questionnaire (this is a "self-assessment"). Finished questionnaire gives CSI Score and CSI Class
For support with the questionnaire: Read the Methodology and Verification Guidelines, View the Questionnaire Guide & FAQ (link available when you login to CSI and click "Add vessel"), send an email to cleanshippingindex@ivl.se
4) Next step is to certify the vessel(s) in order to access rebates. Ask accredited verification companies, listed under "registration & certification" on CSI's website, for quotes and email cleanshippingindex@ivl.se when a verifier has been chosen - CSI will then give the verifier access to the shipping company's vessels in the database.
5) The verification company books onboard & office audit, performed according to the Verification Guidelines (available for download at www.cleanshippingindex.com). When the verification company has logged into CSI and verified the answers in the questionnaire, a digital certificate is automatically generated (this can be downloaded by the shipping company at any time) and this will be the "verification date". The certificate now has 3 years validity.
It is recommended the shipping company review the result, any issues are to be solved between the shipping company & verifier.
To keep the certificate active during the validity period, an annual update needs to be done for the two emission categories CO2 and SOx & PM. If the annual update deadline is missed, the certificate gets temporarily ‘frozen’, meaning that no benefits can be obtained until the annual update is performed. This update can be performed remotely by the verification company based on information provided by the shipping company. The deadline for the next annual updates is mentioned on the certificate.
6) CSI charges an administrative fee of €500 for issuing the certificate. This is a fixed fee and will be invoiced via the verification company.
7) Certified CSI Scores are synced with the Swedish Maritime Administration every 24 hours. The vessels score applies from the date of verification.
8) During the certificate’s validity, shipowners are recommended to not change the answers on the questionnaire. If required, the certificate can be updated by the verification company. This should be done for the annual updates, but could also be done in case the environmental performance of a vessel changes.It is recommended to have the self-assessment aligned with the verified questionnaire.
Important: Emissions of CO2, SOX and Particulate Matter need to be verified annually.
Last updated 2025-02-25