Position 59° 22,7'N 017° 02,3'E; Charts 111 and 113
Swing bridge
Vertical clearance: 2,8 m
Alternative passage of 4,0 m vertical clearance at the northern part of bridge, see picture below.
Nautical information
From 2023 the bridge will open for pleasure craft following times. (Local time) 07:00 See Municipality webpage for more information (link below). |
Opening hours
Merchant vessels
Daily 0600 - 2200 LT, other times on request.
The ship's pilot or master should contact the bridge master via VHF in good time and make sure that it is possible to get a bridge opening at the estimated time of passage.
8 minutes before the expected passage, a second VHF contact should be made with the bridge master.
Tosteröbron telephone +46(0)171 449 082 and VHF Ch. 68
Pleasure craft
Information regarding opening times for pleasure craft is published on the Municipality webpage. Link
Pleasure craft should if needed contact the bridge on telephone o VHF Ch. 14.
Other information
The bridge Tosteröbron is unmanned and controlled remotely from bridge Hjulstabron by camera surveillance.
Merchant vessels should use the southern fairway in both directions.
The northern fairway is designated for pleasure craft only.

Related links
Last updated 2024-03-22