Nordic Photo Contest for Seafarers
Welcome to participate with your best photos of the year.
All Nordic seafarers and, regardless of nationality, all other crew members of Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish flag vessels are welcome to take part in the contest. The contestants must not be professional photographers.
The competition entries – at the most 15 pictures per participant – can be in color or black and white. We only accept digital pictures. The pictures shall describe life at sea in a broad sense, including work and leisure onboard. The photos must have been shot recently, not years ago. The motif or contents of a picture is considered as important as the technical quality. Pictures that have already been published are excluded from the contest.
Contestants may only participate with pictures, to which they own the copyrights. The copyright holder is the same as the person pushing the shutter release button. The photographer takes full responsibility for that any recognizable person on the picture have approved to publishing the picture.
Enclosed with the pictures we will need your name and address, a few words about each motif (e.g. where and approximately when it was shot) and the name of the picture. Don’t forget to provide us with your position and (most recent) ship and your contact details.
At the latest by December 31st, the competition entries must have arrived at the national organizer, which is the Swedish Seamen's Service for Swedish-flagged vessels.
The competition entries automatically take part in a national contest, as far as Sweden is concerned rewarded with optional books to the value of SEK 1.300, 1.000 and 700 respectively. The Nordic contest will be concluded in February next year.
By participating, you agree that the national organizer handles your data according to GDPR, for the sole purpose of informing you aboutthe Nordic Photo Contest for Seafarers. The organizers reserve themselves the right to supply copies to related media covering the contest result, moreover to use contest pictures for exhibitions and other publication in order to promote the photo contest.
Please e-mail your entries to
Prizes - Nordic contest
(sponsors 2024)
1) Photo equipment for 5 000 DKK sponsored by The Danish Shipowners’ Accident Insurance Association, Denmark.
2) Photo equipment for 5 000 SEK sponsored by Sjöfartstidningen, Sweden.
3) Photo equipment for 5 000 NOK sponsored by Sjøfartsdirektoratet, Norway.
4) Photo equipment for 450 EUR sponsored by Félag skipstjórnarmanna, Iceland
5) Photo equipment for 300 EUR sponsored by Finnlines, Finland.
Prizes - Swedish contest
1) Books of your choice for 1 300 SEK
2) Books of your choice for 1 000 SEK
3) Books of your choice for 700 SEK

Last updated 2025-02-06