Awarded photos 2022
When the final of the Nordic Photo Contest was arranged, on January 27, it was for the 35th time. The contest of 2022 gathered a total of 860 entries from 142 photographers.

For the first time in two years, the final of the Nordic photo contest for seafarers could be held on location, this time in the Norwegian town of Haugesund. 15 pictures from each Nordic country had already been selected in the national contests and now it was the jury's job to award a few winners from the 75 contributions. The Nordic jury consisted of the two photographers Alfred Aase and Jan Kåre Ness, who both enjoyed looking through all photos.
When the result got uncovered, it was unusually even between the rivaling countries. Norway had the most photos awarded; with two placements in the top five and two honorable mentions. Both Iceland and Finland where in the top five but the Swedish cook Jörgen Språng took the first place with his photo “Self portrait”.
You can see all awarded photos below and also the Swedish finalists.
Swedish finalists
Last updated 2023-01-31