Our activities focus primarily on merchant shipping, but also take the pleasure boating and fishing interests into account.
Port call support
Services related to port calls, including MSW Reportal and Fairway Declaration.
SMA Maintenance
SMA Maintenance AB is an EASA Part-145 approved helicopter maintenance organization with approval number SE.145.0136.
Maritime transport has to work regardless of the season. The Swedish Maritime Administration operates a number of icebreakers and can, if required, charter additional external resources.
Bridges and canals
Opening times and information concerning bridges, locks and canals.
NtM - Notices to Mariners
Notices to mariners and navigational warnings.
The Swedish Maritime Administration provides pilotage and assistance in the navigation to vessels within Swedish territorial waters..
Hydrographic Information
We are responsible for accessibility, accessibility and safety at sea. An important part of that work is to produce high-quality charts and provide the best possible support for navigation in Swedish waters.
Seamen's Service
A seafarer's home away from home.
Maritime Traffic Information
Maritime Traffic Information.
Last updated 2021-03-16