Pilot area Kalmar
The Swedish Maritime Administration through pilotage area Kalmar offers pilotage through Kalmarsund, pilotage to all ports in pilotage area Kalmar and open sea pilotage (Deep Sea Pilotage) in the Skagerack, Kattegat and throughout the Baltic Sea.

Geographical information
Sea area
From the border with pilot area Oxelösund in the north, to the border with pilot area Malmö in the south.
Land area
Jönköping County, Kalmar County, Kronoberg County, Blekinge County, parts of Skåne County and Gotland County.
Messages on these pages are a selection of information and decisions of general interest. For complete nautical information, please refer to charts, Ufs (Notices for seafarers), navigation warnings and the County administrative boards' regulations and decisions.
Last updated 2021-12-07