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MSW Reportal

Two Pilot requirements


Generic regulations concerning vessels requiring two pilots onboard.

Under certain circumstances where vessel layout or the environmental conditions may have an increased negative effect on the pilotage, vessels other than below mentioned can be assigned with two pilots. It’s up the pilot who is in charge of the pilotage, to make the decision.

Port of Norrköping

Daylight: Two pilots within port of Norrköping (inside Juten Lt) on all vessels with LOA >220 meter.
Darkness: Two pilots within port of Norrköping (inside Juten Lt) on all vessels with LOA >210 meter.

Port of Oxelösund

Daylight: Two pilots on all vessels with LOA >230 meter / Beam 35 meter
Darkness: Two pilots on all vessels with LOA >200 meter / Beam >33 meter
Vessels 230x43 meter or above, requires both pilots holding full license. 


Last updated 2024-12-10