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MSW Reportal


Information concerning Lysekil

Boarding Position

Boarding position 1 or 2 SW of Brofjorden Approach.



Fairway Max Draught
Brofjorden angöring to Lysekil via Bonden/Hättan 8m
Brofjordens angöring to Lysekil via Flatholmen 8m
Brofjordens angöring to Lysekil via Bergylteskär 10m

Wind and Visibility restrictions


Vessel Wind Visibility
0 - 150m Over 18m/s consider weather changes -
150 - 185m 15 m/s 1000m
185 - 245m 12 - 15 m/s* 1000m
245m - Assesment for each vessel. Assesment for each vessel.

* Practiced so that it is the upper limit that applies. The lower strengths apply to ships with poorer maneuverability where an individual assessment may be made.

Wind: Sjöfartsverkets wind gauge at the lighthous Tån

Two Pilots

In Lysekil shall two pilots performe pilotage if LOA 150m or 30m beam and over.

Tug Regulations

Assesment for each vessel.

Other restrictions

Grötö rev jetty 7 and 8

Vessels with a draft of more than 8,4 meters are taken to the jetty after further marking of the ground of 9,3m meters east of the jetty. Then the maximum depth to the jetty will be 10 m.

Anchorage Area

Lysekil roads: South of Tova island or east of Grötö rev jetty. Depth 30 – 25m.

About 4 NM sothwest of Brofjorden Approach there is an anchorage area for larger vessels. Depth abt 60m.

Further information

For further information about harbours in Lysekil conntact the harbour installation.

Lysekil Port

SDK Shipping

Last updated 2021-02-27