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t.se VHF channel 13 for Sundsvall, Söder- hamn and Gävle, call for ”Northcoast Pilot”. 24 hours before ... Order changes less than five hours in advance and and cancellation less than three hours in advance will
Order changes less than five hours in advance and and cancellation less than three hours in advance will ... 192o-012o #14 Oljekajen 62 10,4 9,9 - 000o-180o 8 and 10 Utansjö S 114 8,3 8 170 332o-152o 8” Utansjö
uppdaterade HELCOM-rekommendationen 34E/2 “Further testing and development of the concept of exchange of voyage ... e-navigation solutions to enhance safety of navigation and protection of the marine environment in the Baltic
Bilaga E07_Marinbiologisk kunskapssammanställning och kompletterande undersökning 2020 delrapport A_B_C.pdf
http://www.dmu.dk/Pub/FR657.pdf 39. Sveegaard, S. 2011: Spatial and temporal distribution of harbour
Milieuprofielen Scheepsbrandstoffen. (2016). Earth, life and social science, TNO innovation for life. Utrecht
Allenström m.fl. 2003. The interaction of large and high-speed vessels with the environment in archipelagos ... archipelago – field measurements, preliminary analysis and interpretation. SMHI rapport 2020:2. SMHI Norrköping
literature review. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft. FEHY (2013). Fehmarnbelt ... Lumborg, U. (2005) Modelling the deposition, erosion and flux of cohesive sediment through Öresund. Journal
nationellt unik i att erbjuda 6 Promoting well-being and inclusiveness in Sweden, Better Policies Series, ... ofta som ett nav- och ekersystem (på engelska: Hub and Spokes). För att skapa skalfördelar har rederierna
benämns ofta såsom ett ”Hub and Spokes”-system. Figur 6 Hub and Spokes systemets uppbyggnad (F=
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